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Jimma recent comments:

  • Jimma Comprehensive Secondary School, Ephrem Kebede wrote 9 years ago:
    Hailu the guard, is he still there, amazing guy, sometimes when I get late he used to let me in, lol
  • Jimma Comprehensive Secondary School, Ephrem Kebede wrote 9 years ago:
    I was one of this high school graduate, I do have a good memory of this school, I used to be a member of the mini media and postal club, how could I forget Mrs/Teacher Asnakech, Teacher Ashenafi from Red Cross club, our best physics teacher Asnake ... Teacher Befikadu #RIP by the way, wood work asdistant Rika#RIP RIKA. Oh, a lot of beautiful memories, if you know Teacher Shito, Agricultur teacher Nega, man I had good times ... Oh I almost forgot Bio teacher Mehamud, lol Mehamud the Unit leader ... from Kera to JCSS ... please share if you remember something, tnx for reading :)
  • Jimma Teachers Training College, Abdi Abdi Ya wrote 9 years ago:
    I need to give a service in this college if there is any job vacancy with EdpM for MA program.
  • Aramaic Hotel, Habesha (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I think the Aramaic Hotel in Jimma is one of best hotel in Ethiopia
  • Jimma Teachers Training College, Ruti (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    my mom was class of 1974
  • Jimma Emmanuel United Church, Iyasu Abate wrote 10 years ago:
    Jimma amanuel church is the gift of God. Jimma,so luck!!!!!!!
  • Jimma Teachers Training College, Asrat Kassahun wrote 10 years ago:
    Asrat Kassahun I graduated from Jimma Teachers Training Collage in physics in 1996 G.C. It is exactly at the time of JTC upgrade from TTI. My first launch at the collage was in open-air as the cafe was on maintenance. JTC is a collage where I learned a lot of things especially Mathematics.
  • Eldan School, fun (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    what is eldans code for 2013 national exam
  • Jimma Comprehensive Secondary School, Valeri (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Worked at this school as a teacher of physics in 1988-91. Just best memories about the staff and students. That time there were several of us Soviet teachers working there.
  • Jimma City Hall, Jafer Nureddin (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    God bless jimma
  • Jimma Teachers Training College, Abel Chala (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    I am really very happy for I was a former student of JTC.In early 1990s I was the student of the college in the department of history .Our dean by that time Obbo Anbisaa Qanaa'(now DR in Addis Ababa University)I always want the college's advancement-center of academic research and an arena where trainees are equipped with the desired knowledge,skill and attitude so that they can solve the complicated problems of Oromia and the country at large.shalom!
  • Abba Dula Abba Jifar Compound, Nagara Gamachu (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Abba Dula Abba Jifar Compound, Nagara Gamachu (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Jimma University Hospital, murad.mahmaad (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Students' Cafe, JUCAVM, abduljewad (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    wow amazing university
  • Jimma Teachers Training College, Alemayehu Eado (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I meant I never forget my time at JTC.
  • Jimma Teachers Training College, Alemayehu Eado (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    My first college education institution! now student at the Ohio State University! Graduated from JTC in Social science in 2007. I never the time i have been in the college, specially 1998 (2006 ).
  • Aramaic Hotel, Guest (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Jimma Comprehensive Secondary School, je (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    hey i remba about dis school ''seat sirefed gibii mezegat " and be atir mezilel
  • Jimma Comprehensive Secondary School, tt (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    i learn dis school from grade 9-12 ,but i was too young z bad part i never remember any thing aferall when when i left shool i was 16 ,z most funny part is even i ask higschool classmates when i gat zem do we know eachother in University? haaaaaaaa